Yes, all copyrights will remain with you/your band. recordJet does not own your music, your copyrights or the rights to your cover artwork. As you can read in our Terms & Conditions you give recordJet nothing but the non-exclusive right to distribute your music to the stores so they can sell your music.
Important: A store must never receive the same delivery twice with identical releases. You are still free to release your music to the stores yourself (e.g. on your website) or with third parties (this is what we mean by “non-exclusive”). Nevertheless you need to make sure that stores you are delivering to with recordJet do not receive the exact same releases from other service providers. Each release can only be delivered to a store by one service provider exclusively. You may only assign this right to one service provider at a time.
– You assign to recordJet the right to collect on your behalf the revenues from your sales and transfer them to you.
– You assign to recordJet the right to use your artist/band name, cover, biographical and other types of information provided by you according to contract and connected to your music.
recordJet does not have the right to produce CDs, Vinyls, DVDs or other media. This is exclusively your right.