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Fair Use
Daniel avatar
Written by Daniel
Updated over 5 months ago

Fair use describes a legal concept that allows for the use of copyrighted material under certain conditions without obtaining permission from the copyright holder.

In the music industry, Fair Use often refers to the use of music for purposes such as criticism, commentary, reporting, teaching, science, and research.

To better illustrate, here are a few examples of how Fair Use can be used in the music industry:

Criticism and Comments: A music journalist could use short excerpts of a song in a review to analyze and comment on certain aspects of the piece.

Education: Teachers and lecturers are allowed to use musical pieces in their teaching materials to illustrate certain musical concepts.

Parody: Artists can use parts of a song to create a parody that humorously or critically comments on the original work.

Important: Fair Use is a complex legal concept, the application of which can vary from case to case. Factors such as the purpose and nature of the use, the amount and substance of the material used, and the impact on the market value of the original all play a role in determining whether a use qualifies as Fair Use.

So there is no general regulation here about when one is exempt from obtaining the respective rights through the Fair Use regulation.

Individual cases must be examined and it is recommended to seek legal advice.

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